Birthday Cakes
More Birthday Cakes
Wedding Cakes
Christening Cakes
Corporate Cakes

Welcome to Good Cakes!

Good Cakes is an advice site, looking at all things cakes! Where possible we will link to cake makers we think are great. At the moment we are looking at cake companies based in the Southampton and Portsmouth area, but as we expand we will find more great companies all over the UK. We will only reconmmend companies who produce handmade cakes.

Take a look at some of the cakes that we are recomending - we have split them into diffrent sections to make it easy for you to find cakes you like for different special occassions. Take a look at:

Birthday cakes

Wedding cakes

Christening cakes

Corporate cakes

If you create handmade cakes, contact us for a link, we will review your website, then add your cakes to our gallery.

The local companies that can make your cakes are:

Fun Cakes

Website: www.funcakes.co.uk

Email: fi@funcakes.co.uk

Phone: 01489 603536

Location: Locks Heath (In between Southampton and Portsmouth)

For all your Birthday Cakes, Wedding Cakes, Christening Cakes, and other special handmade cakes, see Fun Cakes!




This website was created by E-Remedy